Employers & Internship Sites

Employer Forms & Instructions


Employer Tabling 

Employer Tabling Reservation

We provide employer tabling during the fall and spring semesters. Employers registered on Handshake are given priority. Employers must check in at MLC 107 to pick up their tables and chairs. There is no cost to employer tabling and parking is free. 


Hiring  Fairs

Handshake Hiring Fair Registration

We host hiring fairs twice a year so that employers can promote open job and internship opportunities. Employers interested in participating must pre-register, and they will be contacted a month or two before the event with final setup details. 

Lunch & Learn Workshops

 Email sac-creo@c178.net

Employers interested in sponsoring food for lunch and learning must email us. Employers can promote their company and open positions to students and/or invited faculty. Please provide enough notice to ensure proper planning and marketing for the event. 

Employer Partnership Meetings

Employer Partnership Meeting Request

If you are hiring for more than one position and would like to schedule an employer partnership meeting to strategize to build intentional hiring pipelines, please register for a one-on-one meeting. 











  • Employers

    If you are seeking to post open full-time, part-time, temporary, or internship positions; please sign up for our Handshake career site. Follow Alamo Colleges District on the site to get access to students through 5 colleges. 

    Handshake Employer Login

    Employer First-Time Registration

    Access the free student job bank, Handshake, to post positions to students at the five colleges of the Alamo Colleges District.

    Quick Start Employer Registration Guide:

    1. Register for a new account using your employer work email address and a password by visiting the link: New Employer. Note: Registration provides access to post positions to all five colleges.

    2. Complete the registration form, agree to the Employer Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.*

    3. Click "Next: Confirm Email" to verify your account via the employer work email address provided.

    4. View the detailed Employer Guide online for further details and steps on How to Post a Job.
  • Employers must abide by Alamo Colleges District's commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC) and affirmative action.

    We reserve the right to refuse service to include job postings/on-site recruiting services.  Employers requesting bank account/social security numbers, application fees or donations will be rejected. Concerns of fraudulent business practices are evaluated using NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.

    Employer Guidelines

  • Partner with us to prepare students with Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing and Community Work-study partnerships. 

    Organizations & Non-Profits should set up an account on Handshake to post both paid or unpaid internships.  

    Please have your SAC student student complete a Self-Initiated Form on AlamoExperience so that they can receive co-curricular credit for their internship. 

    If you need assistance setting up an internship program with your company, please set up an employer partnership meeting.